A vision for the future and a heart for serving God drives local pastor, Dr. Tim Rader, to accomplish big things for eternity.

Kinross, Michigan is a no stop light town. It’s a small community, with a gas station and a local grocery store – yet its also home to one of the largest churches in the Eastern Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Fundamental Baptist Churchhas a strong reputation in the community now, but that hasn’t always been the case. Started in a small building next to the grocery store with just a few members, the church has now expanded to over 450 members in attendance on any given Sunday.

“We give all the glory to God,” Rader states.

Rader describes he was called to be a pastor in the eighth grade but spent some time running from his God given calling.

“I was terrified of public speaking,” Rader states. “That’s one of the reasons I ran from my calling.”

Fear of public speaking did not hold Rader back for long. After surrendering his life to God, he began to learn the skill of public speaking through practice and teaching at Bible College in Wisconsin. While Raders’ skills continued to grow, his vision for the Upper Peninsula of Michigan also began to expand.

“I’m a Yooper,” Rader states. “I’m proud of it and I knew this is where God wanted me to be.”

 40 years later and now Paster Rader’s mission for Fundamental Baptist Church expands far beyond the walls of the auditorium. The church membership has grown to include Maplewood Baptist Academy, Baptist Pioneer Missions and Canaanland Baptist Bible Camp. Maplewood Baptist Academy educates nearly 90 elementary and high school students each year and is known across the E.U.P. as a place of strong education and Christian values. Baptist Pioneer Missions sponsors missionaries across the world, many located in the Southern American hemisphere. Canaanland Baptist Bible Camp sees nearly 400 elementary and high school campers each summer. Fundamental Baptist Church also has a children’s ministry, a bus ministry and a ministry for those who may struggle with addictions.

“There are no limits,” Rader states. “This ministry belongs to God, and we have big things to accomplish for Him here in the E.U.P.”

The ministry’s vision includes expanding Maplewood Baptist Academy so space can be opened for new students and building a new church auditorium to seat 800. Rader’s vision is centered around the need for more seating and expanding available space to encourage growth of the church’s mission.

“Lord willing I will be serving for another 15 years,” Rader states. “There is no slowing down the church mission here.”

Rader’s vision for the future doesn’t end with new building projects and church membership growth – his greatest vision is to be remembered as a man who loves God.

“All I care about is ensuring my grandkids know that God is real and that I love him with my whole heart,” Rader states.

To learn more about the mission and ministries of Fundamental Baptist Church visit www.fundamentalbaptistchurch.net or like Fundamental Baptist Church on Facebook.


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